RIFT Anime

Rift is a Sci-Fi comic about an inventor named Adam Rift. Adam’s planet gets attacked by a dangerous alien armada known as the Nentians!
In the midst of this attack, Adam loses his only daughter, Nayla Rift in space!

With the help of a super powered group of aliens, known as the Legend Elite, Adam goes into space in order to save his daughter at all costs!

What awaits Adam in the depths of space!?

About The Author

R.I.F.T is a comic book series written and illustrated by Klay Mckenzie.

From the time Klay was 5 years old he always wanted to create a comic book series and developed the idea for R.I.F.T simply for fun at first. As he got older, his passion and love for the idea grew and developed and he eventually decided to make his vision a reality.

R.I.F.T is an on going comic book series with multiple Volumes to be published.

We are very excited to have you all on this journey with as we produce R.I.F.T and continue to bring it into greatness!